The Winter Skin Survival Guide

If you’re like me, you tend to get super dry skin during the colder months of the year. Not only does dryness make your skin look tired and ashy, but if left untreated, it can lead to your skin becoming flaky, then cracking, or even eczema in more severe cases. But fret not! Even though your skin does require some extra TLC during the winter, it’s actually a very simple process to get rid of the Sahara Desert that has begun to take over your skin. I’ve listed some of the things that help me get smooth skin, below:

  1. Moisturize religiously

I mean that. Moisturize like your life depends upon it. Do it in the morning and at night before bed, and whenever else you feel like your skin needs a little extra. Also be sure to do it right after you shower to really seal in your skin’s natural oils and moisture. If you’ve been using those really pretty perfumed lotions, ditch them. They don’t do much, apart from looking super cute on your vanity. They’ve been shown to contain silicone, which makes your skin feel temporarily soft, but doesn’t actually hydrate it. They also contain some not-so-good-for-the-skin toxins, and perfume in skincare is generally a no-no, unless it’s completely natural. My personal favourite (and something my dermatologist also recommended to me) is Physiogel. It will hydrate skin regardless of how dry it is, and has no scent, so it’s perfect for sensitive skin too. It is a little on the pricier side, but it’s definitely an investment for your skin!

  1. Turn off the hot water

I know this one seems cruel, but hot showers do really dry your skin out! They sap the skin’s natural oils, and can even damage the surface of your skin if the water is too hot. So do yourself a favour, and turn the temperature on the water down. Because it’s impossible to take a cold shower during the winter (please don’t, you could get hypothermia), a slightly warm shower is perfect. Not only is it adequately comfortable, it won’t strip your skin of moisture, either. Also, a hydrating shower cream or bath oil will help further nourish your skin.

  1. Use an exfoliator or scrub

Exfoliating is an important part of most people’s summer skincare routine, but it’s also really important during the winter. Using a scrub or exfoliating wash will slough away the dead skin, encourage blood circulation and cell rejuvenation. This will ultimately allow new skin cells to emerge that haven’t been affected by the harsh winter weather. I recommend using a homemade scrub so that you know exactly what’s it in. The sugar scrub I make at home contains brown sugar and white sugar (equal parts), natural coconut oil and raw honey. To use it, scrub it onto your skin (this is especially good for your hands and feet), massage for a few minutes and then wash it off. It’ll leave your skin feeling like silk, I’m not even joking. After you wash it off and dry your skin, don’t forget to- you guessed it- MOISTURIZE!

  1. Visit the dermatologist

Finally, if your skin becomes dry to the point of itching, burning or forming a rash, definitely go see your dermatologist. It could be eczema, which spreads quite quickly and needs to be treated with prescription medication. Don’t put going to the dermatologist off, as this could make your problems much worse.

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