To the years in LUMS

I came as a toddler: having just learned to crawl
But I planned to fly here
Each step I took was fragile and filled with hope
The building loomed over me and seemed mightier than ever
In my innocence all I could see were the wings that I wanted
I was unaware of the stones that I would fall onto
That would scrape my wings and tear them apart
That would bleed even after four years

I came as a teenager: rebellious in my dreams
I had the energy to speak the loudest, to put in all that I had
I longed for inspiration as I ventured deeper in my journey
I knew I had to make most of this time
So I compromised on sleep, on health and on life
I gave all that in hopes that this would fill me up
This would teach me to fly
This would make something out of me

I came as an adult: mature in my wants
This was the year where life planned to teach me the worst it could
Where the true colors of friends are seen
Where loneliness is tackled
Where every moment is the hardest to get through
Where after every fall, I would dust myself and try again
As I squeezed the last bit of energy in me

I came as old: weak and tired to my bones
I sat and gathered the few that I had left in my life
I wore different colors and danced in the rain
I laughed till tears rolled down my cheeks
I painted my room till the white of previous years had disappeared
I sat alone till the loneliness had vanished
I grew the wings when I least expected to
I had become much more than what I had expected to

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