The Spring Semester always has a bitter-sweet ending. On one hand, you have the graduating batch, with their sleeves rolled up, ready to step out of the LUMS bubble into the practical world. Arguably it’s not always a very pleasing sight to witness. Scroll down any of your social media accounts, for instance, flooded with utterly sad posts reminiscing on the wonderful yet nostalgic time at the Khoka, regretting every missed Khoka-chilling opportunity available. LUMS is(was) like a home for the graduating seniors and it seems as if the wounds of nostalgia might never heal.

On the contrary, you have another group of people who seem somewhat displeased with spending some additional time at the university! There might not be one single reason to belong to this particular group but usually, individuals enrolling for summer semester make up the largest proportion. As if watching all of their friends leave off for vacations wasn’t enough, the scorching heat of Lahore did much to fester their grievances further.

Talk about walking from the free parking to the classroom amidst 40 degrees mid-day temperature! Perhaps that the time when these individuals feel the guiltiest wondering why they had to force themselves through this misery. Life would have been much easier had they thoroughly followed the handbook guidelines (or not failed a course…….ooops!)

From what seems to be the case: summers at LUMS doesn’t sound much appealing. Blazing Lahori heat coupled with no friends to hang out with is not what most LUMINITES would approve of. But understandable at the same time, when enrolling in a summer semester is the only viable option available for timely graduating.

Having said all of that, there are fortunately ways you can go about to overcome your Summertime Sadness at LUMS. Following these tips perhaps may not make your stay an utterly enjoyable memory, but they will definitely get you through the season.

Here are some essential tips I came up with:

  • Try enrolling in morning courses: Yes, by that I mean 8 AMs! It might seem very arduous to get yourself out of bed but trust me you avoid the unbearable scorching afternoon heat. Early summer mornings are reasonably pleasant, and you can easily walk your way to class.
  • Take a swim at the aquatic center: There can possibly be no better way to beat the summer heat than taking a dip in the swimming pool. Added advantage? You burn an extra number of calories without your clothes drenched in sweat! Try utilizing the morning or afternoon slots to avoid the rush evening hours. Fortunately for your cause, the pool temperature is set around 25C which is perfect for a summer swim.

  • Get to know your peers: The summer semester offers you a great opportunity to interact with other people around you mainly because most are pretty much in the same boat as you are in.
  • Say NO to daytime Khoka chillings: Khoka chillings seem very tempting irrespective of the season, but you have to learn to say NO to your chiller friends (particularly during daytime).
  • Sit somewhere cold: If you really have a compulsive urge to chill with your new friends then look out for a place better than the Khoka. You have student lounge as one viable option, Jammin as another. Or if you are someone like me who loves experiencing the tranquility of the library, then that place too has its doors open.

  • The Summer Essentials: By Summer Essentials, I mean a whole lot of things! Let’s start with your attire. Wear anything as long as you feel comfortable in them. I would personally prefer and recommend Shalwar Kameez, not just because the dress evokes patriotism, but it keeps your body a whole lot cooler. Buy a sunscreen with the right SPF to avoid burns and skin damage. Sunglasses and cap are always a plus!
  • Sleep in the common room: The dorms do not have a personal air conditioner for every room. You can have the air diffusing out of the huge central chiller into your room only if you keep the door open. For a number of reasons, that’s a No! Lock your stuff up, take your mattress and lay down in the common room. There are two air-conditioners installed on the parallel sides of the wall and funnily enough, at times, it gets unbearably chilly
  • Keep yourself hydrated: I can recall numerous instances at LUMS where people have passed out due to severe dehydration. While, it’s hot right now, in a matter of a few months, the weather is going to get utterly humid. Consequently, the humidity will make you sweat a lot. Therefore to replenish your body’s water requirements, it is imperative that you keep yourself hydrated at all times.
  • Schedule a summer trip: If you have been able to successfully fit in with the other summer semester peers, plan out a summer trip to strengthen the friendship bond. Over the course of the season, you will notice numerous trips being arranged to the northern areas of Pakistan. The temperature in these places tends to remain well below 20C. This coupled with splendid natural scenery is a perfect way to relax on the weekend.

And finally

  • Do not forget about the monsoon season: The monsoon rain in Lahore can come out as pretty harsh! The roads often get flooded which becomes a hassle if you are a day-scholar. Additionally, be mindful of any power outage that might result and lead to a complete blackout. Keep an emergency light in your room along with a rechargeable fan. It’s good to have weather updates on your phone so you know exactly when you need to carry an umbrella.

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