If you are an avid Instagram user, chances are that you might have at some point come across the page @lumsstreetstyle. With followers nearing 2000 in just a span of 5 months, the blog is a must-follow for all fashion enthusiasts out there. It doesn’t matter if you are into traditional wear or find yourself more presentable in Western clothing, LUMS Streetstyle has something for everyone!

Meet Anqa Khan, the person behind the blog! Although, she is originally an Econ-Pol major, her interests for fashion sees no boundaries at all.

PLUMS asked Anqa about her 5-month journey into fashion blogging, her inspirations/motivations and what at the end of the day keeps her going!

Tell us about LUMS streetstyle

“LUMS streetstyle is basically a fashion blog where I post anything related to “streetstyle fashion.” As the name suggests, I look for people here at LUMS and whosoever fits the requirements I have in mind gets featured on the page. Additionally, while the purpose of the blog is to highlight fashion trends, I also use it as a platform to give tips to general audience on how to dress and better etc. More importantly, I would say the page is about appreciation, validation and complementing people.”

How did you come up with this idea?

Well to be completely honest, I never knew I would be doing all of this fashion blog thing. But a lot of people (mainly my friends) asked me start one and that’s how I got all my motivation. Also, for a very long time I had been following the hashtag #parisstreetsyle on Instagram, which I would say was an immediate reason for creating the LUMS streetstyle page.”

Have your friends been any supportive?

“A lot. I always make it a point to take advice from my friends before featuring anyone on the page. Funnily enough, there have also been times when my friend would literally force me to come downstairs from my dorm because they found someone well-dressed.”


Why Instagram? Why not Facebook or Snapchat? Do you plan on extending your idea further?

“Instagram is all about pictures! That is what my blog is about and that is what fashion is about. Regarding any extension plans? I don’t plan on shifting to either Facebook or Snapchat but I do want to personalize some aspects of my page.”

How do you decide what gets published on the page? In other words, is selecting a “well-dressed” individual something very spontaneous or you really have to try and look around?

Its definitely not spontaneous, definitely not. I really have to try and look around people who would fit the requirements I have in mind. A lot of things matter, from shirts to shoes (no chappals, mind you!). But above all I also have to consider the quality of the picture.”

What are the three essential fashion elements you look for in a person?

  1. Formal dressing
  2. Contrasting colour
  3. Wearing something different but carrying it in a casual way

Speaking for the LUMS community, do you think people here do not value traditional wear as much as they do Western clothing? Are you tackling this notion somehow?

I don’t think there is a biasness against traditional clothing. I have been giving equal importance to both the trends and on the other hand, I have seen people putting in a lot of effort in traditional clothing.   Honestly, weather has a big role to play in that regard. People prefer wearing Western because it keeps you warm in Winters while on the contrary, Shalwar Kameez are pretty comfortable to wear during summers. However, I do have one concern or rather a suggestion to make. I would advise guys to wear more Shalwar Kameez or Kurtas. It looks so good on them but more often than not you will only see them wearing on Fridays. “

Talk us through your collaboration with RGB and other clothing brands?

I have collaborated with two clothing brands so far: RGB and Perfect Tee Company. I think that’s a big success considering it has just been one semester since I first started the blog.
So, these two brands wanted to target the LUMS community and they reached out to me for help. I have enjoyed and liked the collaboration a lot. It gave me control over my creative space where I knew my opinion was being validated and given weightage.”

Who is your fashion inspiration?

Don’t get me started on that! It’s a long and a very exhaustive list but I will try cutting it down short. First and foremost, as I mentioned earlier, I am a lot into Paris Streetstyle and I try following different pages on social media that reflect on Parisian fashion vibes. Its very minimalistic yet sophisticated at the same time.
I religiously follow Nicole Kidman’s Instagram. Just love her fashion sense. Closer to home, Amrita Thakur is one of my favorite fashion bloggers/style curator. In Pakistan, Khadija Shah, the owner of Elan also has inspired me all along this way.”


What is the future outlook like for your fashion blog? Do you plan on pursuing your passion in some other ways?

“My dream job is to be a style curator following the footsteps of Amrita Thakur and start my own fashion company. I realize this plan seems quite farfetched at this point. However, I hope my Econ-Pol degree lands me a job in fashion retail business where I can be a corporate cool along with enjoying my passion.
As far as my blog is concerned, I realize the page will not be restricted to LUMS and inevitably has to spread out. However, my short-term goal at the moment is to focus more on personalizing the account.”

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